UFO Sightings story : Two objects, one fast moving, other slow, and hovering wirh change in speed and direction (travel direction: True East)
I was walking home with my girlfriend, when we both saw a pulsating red orange glowing object moving really, really fast over the skies, it was dark and cloudy that night, so a reddish glowing orb, (more like diamond shape or tiltet square) was fairly easy to see!
Being a son of both a commercial- and combat pilot in the danish airforce, airplanes where a big part of my life since i was very young! and this was NO damn plane! it had NO features of a plane, helicopter, or balloon!! - it shouldn't even be able to move that fast, or stop mid-air to change direction! -or fly at all! but there it was, blowing away all i thought i learned about basic flying concepts!
The first object was rapid, it moved 4x 5x times faster than the commercial planes that comes in for landing takeoff at (Kastrup Airport) I was puzzled by the object not making any sound! i mean here it was, doing speeds of just under Mach 1.
Another thing that struck me as very odd, is that the object crossed every landing entry to Kastrup Airport! Not normally a thing that happens since the airspace around landing strips are kept clear at all times! so you dont EVER cross a direct path to a airport landing site, so i was thinking something is very wrong about this!! the object was gone then i finally got my cam out !
At this point i was cursing for not getting this on tape so i could blow away my dads mind too! he has witness alot of weird *hit in his time as commercial pilot, - like a ball lightning appearing INSIDE the plane he was flying - all metal objects inside the plane was glowing with what he discribed as blue flames! - but thats another sighting..
Suddenly another object appeard, excatly the same type and size but was doing much lower speeds, it were almost flying in same path as the first one, but more like paralelle to each oters path (both were heading True East)
This second object were at times stationary, just hovering there keeping its position, not affected by wind in any way! as it picked up speed it would hold that certain speed for a while, then stop and resume the speed from before! this can NOT be compaired with the movement of a helicopter! because when the object would stop moving it was like BAM! end of movement, it like froze up! and just stood there maintaining its altitude and position in the sky! a helicopter can't make such a sudden stop without drifting and be affected by the wind!
this object i caught on tape and will share with you!
it travelled like this, during the whole encounter, and i was able to film it untill the point where my cam was out of focus and couldn't pick up the glowing pulsating aura of the object anymore!
The sighting left me in disbelive, *uck the wright brothers we need to re-educate and re-think the whole aero industry technology!
i realized that we still are in the stoneage for some reason...