Information for UFO Video #2
Extra-terrestrial UFO pulsating colors over water in Philippines 2011
June 5, 2011
Round Flag
Malay, Aklan, PHL
This strange unknown object was recorded hovering above Boracay in Philippines on Sunday, 5th June 2011 around 9 pm. A UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object, that is what I saw.

My personal belief is that this is something extra-terrestrial. I spotted this in the night sky over Boracay Island in the Philippines at about 9 pm on June 5th 2011. I managed to catch it on my Casio Excilim GPS 14MP HD camera.I got about 25 hi res stills at 10X optical zoom, and a further 25 stills at a total of 27X.

I also took some HD footage at different zoom distances, this footage is at 27X. This video shows the last minutes that the UFO was visible. It was visible for a total of about 25 minutes. This video is taken from prone position on the beachfront facing South-South-West, with the camera positioned in the sand so that it didn't move.I made a couple of adjustments as the UFO went off screen, but you can see that it isn't totally stationary.

I also took some photos on long exposures (ISO 1200 +) which show multiple lights on the screen due to the exposure length. Colors were mainly blue, green and red individual dots, with a blue, more fuzzy center. This video only really shows the red lights, with green lights shooting off at about 2:09. It was over the water (I reckon APPROX 2000 meters away based on comparative photo's I took of 30 ft yachts at similar distances).

Lots of people on the busy beach saw it and couldn't explain what it was. Several people stopped to take photos. One guy on the beach said he had seen something similar about 2 weeks ago. I was eating in a restaurant when I first saw it, and the local waitress that was in the restaurant said it had also appeared last night for half an hour, that time due South.

The lights flashed at different speeds, sometimes about 1 per second, other times much more rapid, at about 5 per second. In this video the UFO mostly stays in frame, but earlier when I was watching it then it also strafed straight to the left and straight to the right and then remained in those positions.

It flashed red, green and blue, and was bright enough to notice in the clear sky among the stars. it was clearly visible by eye. It was at the height of the lowest stars in the sky. The flashes seem to pulse in all different patterns, out from the center, towards the center, from left to right, and in random color configurations. Most of the time I noticed red flashes surrounding a blue center, but the photo's I took show a whole range of colors.