Controversial UFO from Cyprus showing a fleet of ufos on January 2012
January 9, 2012
Unknown, Unknown, CYP
Very controversial ufo video caught by sataer1 from the Island of Cyprus. Here is his saying about this particular ufo sighting:
check the day 1 m8 for real Ive watched it a few times now and even genuinely thru unbiased eyes and seems to do as i have stated. and again someone know and wanna tell for sure and il be mozeing along lol
I shot the day one first early morn just b4 sunrise on the 3rd January i only live up road from beach few 100 meters..and as i stated some whr b4 there were onlookers, early morn fitness nuts stopped 4 e geez lol,thx to global for there support if didn't get such friendly response from the first video i posted prob wouldn't have even bothered with any of it. peace all
Respectively i would like/challenge someone to say its RRzwing50alpha lol whatever and show me the blueprints of a plane that flies and is shaped like this. thanks for all your comments negative or positive
Both videos i have posted are shot from same location and same direction on a samsung VP-D352i PAL which records to mini DV this video was at about 2am January 9th i think, i don't know what cardinal direction is n,s,e,w? if so directly west,it was shot on cliff that leads down to the beach in a southern suburbs beach in Adelaide Australia. yes i shot it myself.
Firstly let me please say I'm a realist and would never try and film something in the hope something happen to make it seem strange or create a video in the hope that its is received as genuine. Ii don't like idiots who do that kinda b,s as much as the next person,this simple seriously got some time off work live very close to the beach found my old camcorder thought that prob come up alright on the old 50inch LCD lol :) when down just for some general footage and that's when i shot the 1st 1 daytime..
Just for the record anyone who thinks 'if it flashes its a plane ' is a fool just makes it all the more easy to undetected by the sleeping masses