Unusual UFO caught on pictures over the Joint Reserve Base in Texas


Fort Worth
October 11, 2011

At 8:50 PM, October 11, 2011, the night of the Full Moon, I was snapping photos of the Full Moon with my 1st Generation iPhone while in the country 15 miles due west of Fort Worth.

I took six photos in 46 seconds from a stationary position through the moon roof of an SUV. There was some clouds around the moon and the moon glare was such that I did not think any photos would turn out viewable. I did not see anything other than a blue light in the corner of the iPhone viewer; but when I looked without the iPhone, I could not see a blue light and chalked it up to some camera artifact I was seeing.

When I downloaded the photos, I was surprised to see not only a Blue Sphere in the bottom right hand corner of the photos, but a White Sphere within the clouds surrounding the Moon. As I checked each photo, the White Sphere seemed to move around in the clouds while the Blue Sphere remained stationary. I decided to take measure of the distance, angles and diameters of the Spheres in Photoshop.

I was surprised to see that the diameter of both the Blue & White Spheres where identical & remained virtually the same, approximately 27 pixels within the six photos. The Full Moon was scheduled to arrive at 9:06 PM, twenty-six minutes later than the photos I took. I went back outside to just look at the Full Moon when a helicopter flew overhead towards the moon's direction.

A helicopter flying overhead would not be unusual as they fly from Weatherford to Fort Worth almost nightly, an East-West flightpath. However, this one was flying Southeast. I don't know what to make of these photos, but I have never had something like this appear in any before.

It was just very odd to have two different colored spheres appear in photos, one moving and one stationary over a 46 second interval - and both of them being identical in size. Further, the White Sphere's position would be nearly over the Joint Reserve Base - formerly Carswell Air Force Base.

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