Multiple lights Saucer display a glowing ring in the night - Ranier MN


July 2, 2011

I was with some friends, we were hanging out at her house on the lake, by Ranier, MN and all of a sudden this object appeared. It hovered for about 2-3 minutes and then gone. didn't hear any sounds as it was super quiet. We all just were in shock and a bit freaked out... but amazed that it was SO close. I happened to have my phone and was quick to snap just one picture. It seemed like it was almost right over the top of us... and it moved some but not much. It turned in a circle motion as it went up into never never land. This is not the first time I have seen this around this area, but this is the first time i was able to get a picture and the first time it was so close. My first sighting of this was further up the lake, on Rainy Lake. I also know of others that have seen them around here as well, but all stories I have ever heard, they have spotted them on the Lake. - Database of UFO Pictures, Videos or Evidences

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